
Water Restrictions Notice

BY Proficient Property Management

In terms of Section 4 of the Water Services Act 108 (No 108 of 1997) and Clause 31 of the Water and Sanitation Services By Law, the following will be prohibited from immediate effect:


  1. All domestic customers will have a flow meter restrictor installed to reduce the water pressure to reduce losses.
  2. All domestic customers to limit water usage to 50 litres per person per day or 15 kilolitres per month for households.
  3. All domestic customers, with excessive use, will have a flow meter restrictor installed to limit usage to 15 kilolitres per month.
  4. For Non-Assistance to the Poor (ATTP) users, notices to all consumers using above 15 kilolitres per month will be served immediately
    and restrictors will be installed thereafter, at the cost of the customer.
  5. Industrial and commercial users and institutions will be requested to reduce their consumption by at least 20%:
    1. Reduce their water consumption for production.
    2. Reduce their domestic consumptions
    3. Reuse and recycle water.
  6. No use of municipal water supply allowed to water gardens, wash cars, hose down walls or paving, top up pools, fountains or ponds, etc.
  7. No use of hosepipes allowed (to water gardens, wash cars, hose down walls or paving, top up pools, fountains or ponds, etc.), unless:
    1. The water is from a source other than municipal.
    2. The water is used for firefighting purposes.
  8. No use of sprinklers or irrigation systems allowed, unless the water is from a source other than municipal.
  9. All building contractors to use treated effluent, collected from Fishwater Flats at no cost (or any other appropriate wastewater treatment works), other than for concrete work.
  10. All borehole users must register with the NMBM and must abide by all relevant legislative requirements in terms of use for domestic purposes only (National Water Acts and NMBM By-law).
  11. All boreholes usage to be restricted by 20%, as per directive from the Department of Water and Sanitation.
  12. No applications to build swimming pools will be approved.
  13. No use of automatic urinal flushing systems allowed.
  14. All car washes must be closed if they have not achieved the requirement to recycle 60% of their water.
  15. Municipal swimming pools must be filled with suitable groundwater.
  16. No municipal showers around recreational facilities will operate.
  17. Schedule of water tariffs:
    1. Residential, institutional, and government users will remain on Part B of the Schedule of Tariffs.
    2. Commercial and Industrial users will remain on Part B of the Schedule of Tariffs.
  18. All requirements of the NMBM Water and Sanitation By-Law will be enforced.
  19. Every special previous concession falls away and reapplication must be made.


The prohibitions contained in this notice shall not apply in any case specifically exempted, in writing, by the Executive Director: Infrastructure and Engineering.

Notice boards must be prominently displayed where water from sources other than the Municipality’s water supply system is used for irrigation. Landowners must notify the NMBM Infrastructure and Engineering Directorate in writing of the existence of boreholes on their property, including the intention to sink new boreholes.




Part B of the Charges & Tariffs (Applicable during times of water shortage) (Excl. VAT):
Residential:>0 ? 0.3 kl/dR15.67

>0.3 ? 0.5 kl/dR20.00

>0.5 ? 0.8 kl/dR30.00

>0.8 ? 1.0 kl/dR50.00

>1.0 ? 1.6 kl/dR100.00

>1.6 kl/dR200.00
Institutional & Gov. Dept.
Commercial / Industrial
Part C of the Charges & Tariffs (Applicable during times of water shortage emergency) (Excl. VAT):2020/21
Residential:>0 ? 0.3 kl/dR19.63
 >0.3 ? 0.5 kl/dR30.00
 >0.5 ? 0.8 kl/dR60.00
 >0.8 ? 1.0 kl/dR100.00
 >1.0 ? 1.6 kl/dR150.00
 >1.6 kl/dR300.00
ATTP R19.64
Institutional & Gov. Dept. R22.45
Commercial / Industrial R25.00


NOTE: The above Tariffs are subject to change in line to what Council Approves.

 May 25, 2021
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